Runbook Compiler

09 Nov 2021

In this post I recommended storing your runbooks in the YAML format. The idea was to keep the system documentation, and runbooks are a form of system documentation, in a developer friendly format. This simple step would enable document changes to be committed along with the source code being modified.

The primary goal of using a structured document format is to have the ability to process them electronically. This means parsing. For lack of a better name let’s call the program the runbook-compiler. The compiler will process the YAML documents into an object model that can be used to generate individual and summary documents.

Think along the lines of a static website generator but for runbooks. I toyed with the idea of using Jekyll for this project but quickly decided I wanted a single executable distribution model. After having built many CI/CD pipelines, on virtual machines, in containers, and even on physical machines, actually having a single executable to perform an operation was, in a word, heaven.


The runbook-compiler command will process all of the runbook source files found in a directory. The compiler will have multiple phases:

The runbook-compiler uses the Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing NuGet package so all the file globbing uses the wildcard patterns defined by the library. You can find all the supported patterns defined here:

The goal of the initial implementation is to produce Markdown files. This was chosen was the minimum viable product because having a collection of Markdown runbooks is easily accessible, and should be readable by any technical person.

Minimum Viable Compiler

The MVC for this project will produce markdown files from source YAML files. It will include any file in the runbooks source directory matching the wildcard *.yml.

runbook-compiler compile-runbooks [--output-directory=<DIR>] [--output-format=<FORMAT>] [--source-directory=<DIR>]

All parameters are required. There are no default values. This is by design as it is better to get an error than have implied behaviour determine a pipeline decision. In this case, that would be directory names, etc. By forcing the parameters you can support any crazy naming scheme a development team dreams up. No requirements from the tool makes it a better tool.

Option Summary
--output-directory Name of the root directory to write generated files.
--output-format Name of the document format to generate files.
--source-directory Name of the root directory for runbook YAML source files.
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