The Art of Computer Programming Series

03 May 2022

The goal is write 250 words per day. That does not seem like a lot to get down on paper, or in a document, but it can be daunting. Not because of the number of words itself, but because of the task. When we have something that we must do, or are committed to doing, the act of starting is hard.

Having the next year of blog posts planned out in advanced gives me an advantage. The thinking about what to write has already been accomplished. The actual of writing is all that is left to do. Yeah, that is all there is to it.

I planned the next year of blog posts by tackling a project that I have wanted to do for a long time. Reading and now writing about the The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth. Previously, I had gone through sections of the books reading chapters that interested me. There are too many chapters that are left untouched using this method. This time I will be going through the volumes methodically and completely. I will be working through the exercises at the end of each chapter. Each chapter will be summarized. Each summary will be a blog post. Each blog post will contain my key take aways.

Given the amount of work involved I have a planned schedule of at least a year. Once you add in other items, like the exercises, which I have not determined how to handle as of yet, it could go on longer. I figure that if Donald Knuth could spend years of his life detailing this information then I could, at the very least, spend a fraction of that time learning it.

Now all that is left is the work of reading, understanding, and actually doing the exercises.

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