Every Program You Write Needs a Log (Debug Rule #3)

29 Jan 2022

Every single program you write needs to write a log. This includes everything from the command line utility you wrote to large monolith application that runs your business.

Why? I have already talked about how I don’t want to debug your code. I have also defined some rules on how I want to debug your code when I have to by showing me your variables and initializing members together. Life would be great if I had never had to fire up the debugger in the first place. That can only happen if you write a log for me to look at.

I have lived in the corporate software world long enough to encounter thousands custom business programs. They do all sorts of things. They each have their own timeframe for running on what could be called a schedule. Imagine a program that is run once every seven (7) years to provide the business with compliance information to be used during a scheduled audit. Yeah, stuff like that happens.

Others have been incredibly small but performed critical business functions. Some have been large and rarely used. In all but a few cases the original developers were long gone. The code was years old. The languages used and tools available were old and barely supported.

You need to write a log. Some IT departments are pretty good at slurping up logs into a fairly centralized system that supports searching. Others are less than optimal and required tickets to get copies from physical servers. The world is not perfect but, in most cases, there were logs.

Here are my logging rules for your programs to help everyone:

  1. Default to the console. When running your program the responsible party may not have access to the production version or installation. If you are relying upon a specific configuration file or environment variable to make your log visible you are not helping anyone. Always, and I mean always, produce a log appears on the console if there are no other configurations options present.
  2. Always show when the program starts. If your log does not display when the program starts then I have to figure it out. I don’t want to figure it out. Log rotation happens. Files are put in the wrong locations. I don’t want to have to debug your logging configuration. Just display when the program starts with a simple message such as Starting Mighty Little Command Utility Line v1.0. If you are following rule #1 then I won’t have to look very far. Believe me, nothing is more annoying than having to debug your WinForms application that the business requires, that produces no output, displays no user interface, and has no log.
  3. Display pertinent configuration options. You need to show me the application configuration options in the log. This helps when changing those options, whether through environment variables, or specialized files. If you show me, in the log, those options, I can see clearly when the specific options I am changing has taken effect. Otherwise, I have to debug your program, and as we have discussed before, I really don’t want to do that.
  4. Always show when the program stops. Please see rules #2 about showing when your program starts. You might be asking: why do I need to show you when the program stops? I should be able to figure that out by the next program run starting log line or message. You may be correct with that, but sometimes your program will crash and not finish properly. If I am relying upon you start message I will never know. You can imagine my frustration in finally having to debug your program, only to discover that it crashed before cleaning itself up. Yeah, I know. It happens. If you only had a single log message that said I'm Done it would make everyone’s life so easy. I would have not seen that message and saved myself three (3) days worth of work.

The rules are simple. All programs should produce something along the following so everyone can see what is happening.

Starting Mighty Little Command Utility Line v1.0
Using default configuration file => /home/kenbr/config/mighty.config 
Completed successfully!
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